What’s My Name
I wake up to spears of light cutting through my eyes from the slits between the blinds.
I'm naked and hungover as fuck.
I'm in some chick's bed from the night before. I roll my head to the side.
Some blonde.
Her room is pink and frilly. Stuffed ponies and rainbows galore.
I gotta get the hell outta here.
I move my head to the left and see our clothes scattered about the floor. My creme, brown leather jacket and worn jeans add a slickness to the loud room. I sneakily slide between the sheets and retrieve my things. I tiptoe toward her door until I step on a squealing stuffed animal.
I speed up my walk until I make it to her front porch. Then I hear her.
"Oh, so that's what we're doing, Leon?"
I turn around and realize it's Britney. She's wrapped up in a towel, barely covering her tits. She's a short blonde with a nice ass frame.
Nice ass too.
I throw my hands up. "You know I gotta head back to the Krackle, Brit."
"The Krackle, Leon. Really? Why would you go back to that shithole?"
I sigh. "You know that's where I pick up my bounties, Brit."
"You think you can just come over here and fuck me, then leave?"
I smile, flashing my polished, Titanium tooth.
"Oh, you forgot Britney? You called me."
I reach in my jacket pocket and put on my jet black shades. My air ship appears behind me, shooting wind through my unzipped jacket. I hop on the ship.
"Fuck you, Leon. I'm done with you."
My boots slide on the smooth silver tiles of my ship, as the door closes behind me.
"Ya said that last week, Britney, I say as wave, smiling."
As my ship reves up, I can no longer hear the prissy chatter of her voice. I lean in my leather seat and ease into orbit.
The speed of the ship makes all the stars around me look like stripes racing ahead of me. I pull out a bag of pecans while my feet ride the dash center. Before I can even get into munching at the bag, my destination climbs up to me in seconds.
I press the auto lander and get up, as I face the exit of my ship towards the dock.
I walk out into the fowl smelling air of Krackle. This place used to be a citadel for neighboring planets and ships from all over the world come here to chill. But the neighborhood got bad, and now alien chicks are pimped out and you get high as hell from just walking the streets for an hour. I head towards the club I get my bounties from until a short man in a trenchcoat walks up to me.
"Heya, Leo," the man yells in excitement.
I frown. "How's it going, Proxy?"
"Leo, I got some good shit for you today, I'm glad you stopped by my shop."
"Your shop? Proxy, I'm near the dock, behind a strip club. Business that bad, man?" I grin.
"Haha, fuck you too, Leo."
He opens his trenchcoat.
"Check this out, Leo. I got special augment arms on the left, and homemade augs on the right."
"Christ, Proxy, I told you I dont need any augs."
I point at my gun.
"I know, I know, but look, you might like these."
I stand firm and eye his coat to humor him.
"The arm to the left looks like a dick, Proxy."
I shake my head and walk past him. I flick a coin his way.
"Get new merchandise, Prox."
"Alrighty, Leo, see ya tomorrow."
I walk down the streets and see the typical shit. Carjackings. Fights...Rituals.
Just fucking with you....those are only on Tuesdays.
I enter the club and I'm nearly blinded by the Neon lights. The heavy synths hook my chest. And pop it open like a can of beans. I hear fucking in all the other rooms, as women, men, and aliens walk around the club with long, colorful poles that they grind against their skin.
"Mmh, hey Leon. You came back to see little ole me," the notorious, Linda Crawford says, as she takes her hand for a walk up my jeans.
I smile, flashing my tooth. "Not tonight, Lin. Where's Lafarious?"
"Oh he's in his office, you must be looking for work, hun?"
"Yeah, Tina needs a new paint job."
Linda laughs as she continues to spin the glowing rod in her hands.
"You talking about that old ship of yours? I'd love to see the inside of it again."
"In due time," I whisper in her ear, as I slide some credits between her boobs.
She giggles as I walk away.
I walk over to the boss's office. There's a "piss off, I'm fucking busy," sign on the door. I open it anyway and see a full head of frizzy hair bobbing on his lap.
"Goddamn, Leon, don't you read fucking signs," he asks as he jumps up in surprise.
The woman jumps up, wiping her mouth.
"So am I still gonna get a raise, boss?"
"Get the hell outta her, Lisa," he says while buckling his pants back up.
She runs out of his office, bumping me.
"So, you got any work for me?"
"You interrupted my job for that?!"
"Well, yeah."
"I ain't got no work for you, now get the hell outta my office!"
Sigh, there I was again, kicking rocks down by the old strip joint. I see the galaxy around me, gleaming. The sight beckons me, so I walk over to the dock, near my ship and lie in the grass. I pull out an electrocig and plant it in between my lips, blowing out purple smoke. I fold my arms behind my head and close my eyes. Suddenly, I hear someone above me.
"Hey handsome."
The voice doesn't sound familiar, but it's sexy. I open my eyes and see a tall, slim frame woman with long fiery red locks. She's wearing an aluminum colored jacket with a matching, short skirt. Her face is natural, with slight blush on her tan skin. There's a small mole right above her rose-colored lips.
"Do I know you," I ask while blowing smoke.
"Nah, but I know you, well, I've seen you around."
"So what did you want with me exactly?"
"I just saw you over here alone, and I thought I'd give you some company."
I rise up from my spot and start to walk away. "I'm good, sweet cheeks."
"Good on what?"
"I don't pay for pussy."
She gets up and grabs me, pointing me back to my spot.
"Oh, sit down."
She giggles.
"That's not why I'm here. Only wanted to talk."
I sit back down, and refold my arms. I lie back, closing my eyes. She grabs the cig from my mouth and takes a puff.
"Oh, shit. This is a Volcan X2, these things are worth a nice penny."
"Yeah, they smoke smooth, and you get a-"
"Slight buzz?" She smiles.
She plants the cigar back in my mouth. I open up my eyes and see her voluminous tits in my face.
They got to be D's.
"I see you around all the time, and there's something different about you now."
I rise up slightly.
"Yeah, I'm just sitting down, thinking."
She smiles.
"No, silly, what I'm saying is you seem bored."
I laugh with the cig hanging from my mouth and lie back down, puffing on it with my eyes closed.
"Yeah, I guess I am. I come out here every now and then to clear my head."
"Bordem is the cousin of insanity, you know?"
She lies beside me.
"But yeah, this is a pretty melo spot."
I don't try to reply to the first statement
"What's your name, mystery woman?"
"Mandy. Mandy rooks."
"Well I'm Leon, but people call me Leo."
She jumps up in excitement.
"Awesome, since we're acquainted now, let's go do something exciting."
She tugs at my arm and runs me up my ship. The cig leaves a trail of pink smoke in my wake.
"Hey, wait, watch the leather damnit!"
We run into my ship and Mandy immediately begins to press a ton of buttons on my dash.
"Whoa, whoa. Cut that shit o-"
Suddenly, my shutters open, exposing the sky.
Mandy leans over my dash, exposed like the galaxy above. Her lavender panties snuggle her ass.
"Yeah," I say. "Definitely a sight."
She turns around, blushing. Her front teeth gently bite into her lips.
"So, what's a handsome man like yourself do in a big ship like this, alone?"
I walk closer.
"Gee, I dont know, I guess I'm never alone to answer that question."
She hops on the dash.
"What are you thinking about," she asks while staring into my eyes.
"Thinking abou-"
My head starts to feel wavy. My eyes start to shift to each side. I grab my head.
"What the fuck is going on with me?"
I fall on my knees.
Mandy smiles while walking over to me.
Everything goes black.
I wake up surrounded by blackness and stars. I'm freezing cold and can see my breath.
Holy shit.
I realize that I'm floating in space. But how the hell am I even alive?
I see a white light at the end of the space. I float through the air, feeling as if I'm swimming. I see stars exploding and ships zooming past me.
It's fucking insane.
I swim to the light and then I'm suddenly getting pulled from water. Many people surround me wearing white robes. We're all in the middle of a sea...wait I've been here bef-
"God bless you child, in the name of the lord, i baptize thee," the pastor yells as he pulls me back down into the water.
I rise from water again. I'm in a tub. But this time I'm in an old house. I look around and i swear I've seen this house before. I feel this sharp pain from my arms, so I look down and see blood streaming from them profusely. The pain is so much that I faint in the tube.
I wake up this time in a red tuxedo. I'm looking at the pastor as he reads off his usual lines.
"I do."
I look to my right and see...Mandy?
"You may kiss the bride."
I move closer to her as she puckers her lips. Out of fucking nowhere, her mouth expands over 12 inches. Inside her mouth are thousands of sharp teeth. She chops down on my head.
"Holy fucking shit," I yell. I'm lying in the bed on my ship. Beads of sweat are all over my naked body.
I look around and see no one here. I see something bright red, taped to my dash. I get up and walk over to it. I pick up a note.
"I really enjoyed you tonight, also, thanks for the gifts. Love, Michelle R."
Gifts? Michelle?
I look over to my cig case. It's totally empty.
I squeeze the note in my hand.
"Heh, that crazy bitch."